Rasmiyyeh Muhammad Hamamreh is a 47 years old school' teacher and farmer. She lives with her parents and a family of 18 members.
Rasmiyyeh owns 7 dunums (1 dunum = 1000 m2) of land, that became threatened of confiscation. The Israeli colony of "Bitar Elit" was constructed 200 m away from it, and a settlers’ bypass road was also built 200 m away from another side.
Her direct struggle with the occupation started when the Israeli forces dumped rubbles into her field, so that she could not plant it. They have also broken the fence and wedges surrounding the field, beaten her and her family when present at the field and in most cases prevented them from accessing it. In the year 2014, settlers from "Bitar Elit" destroyed 20 olive trees from her field.
In February 2015, the Olive Tree Campaign supported Rasmiyyeh with olive saplings to help her "Keep Hope Alive" and maintain her land.