Journey for Justice

About the Journey for Justice (JFJ):

JFJ2013 t5Journey for Justice brings together youth leaders from all over the world to experience and share the life under occupation with Palestinian youth. For nine days, they join Palestinian youth and travel around occupied Palestine to witness the effects of Israeli occupation, and accompany Palestinian youth in their daily life.

Journey includes:

  • Stories / experiences / dreams and daily life sharing.
  • Visiting their universities and realize Palestinian students' difficulties.
  • Witnessing several EJ YMCA and YWCA of Palestine programs in action.
  • Meetings and discussions with Palestinians and Israelis: Political and religious leaders, Israeli right-based groups, grass root Palestinians including farmers, refugees, students...etc.
  • Presentations and discussions with specialists on issues of: children, refugees, academics, international work...etc.
  • Visiting various religious and historic sites including old cities of Hebron, Bethlehem, Nablus, Jerusalem, including the Church of Nativity, Holy Sepulcher, Al-Aqsa Mosque...etc.
  • Advocacy activities and workshop, building coalitions of committed youth leaders and set advocacy plans together.


Watch promotion video.


  • Participants ages should be between 17 and 25 (up to 30 could be allowed for special cases).
  • No limited number of participants from certain movement.
  • Be able to cover their international travel costs and participation fees.
  • Manage their own in-advance tourist VISA to Israel (required for certain nationalities), without JAI intervention.

Journey for Justice 2023 with 36 participants

Category: Journey for Justice
Created: 17 July 2023

The Journey for Justice was organized by the JAI from the 8th to the 16th of July 2023, where 36 (25 international + 11 Palestinian) youth participated from Norway, Argentina, Netherlands, Denmark, Canada, and Palestine.

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The journey included interaction with Palestinian youth, hearing their stories and experiences living under occupation, as well as their life and culture. It also included guided tours in various Palestinian area, including Hebron, Bethlehem Jerusalem, and Ramallah, where they witnessed the Israeli occupation measures, and their impact on Palestinian life.

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It also included meetings with various youth groups and activists in Ramallah and refugee camp. This is besides field work, as some threatened land, hike tour, and visits to main religious and historic sites. Professional presentations, talks and briefings were given to the participants at various organizations, as well as by the JAI, EJ YMCA and YWCA of Palestine, including international advocacy campaigns.

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Participants had a future advocacy plan session for activities and actions to implement in their countries and communities, in communication with the Palestinian participants.


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