See more photos of their trip to Palestine
10 Danish Global Teenager students from Dronninglund Efterskole (DE) had a program in Palestine with the JAI and Palestinian students from the 28th of February until the 6th of March 2014. The program in Palestine is based on newly developed partnership between the school, the JAI and DanChurch Aid, followed a trip and a week program of two Palestinian students, trained and prepared by the JAI, at DE in Denmark in November 2013.
During their program in Palestine they were meeting Palestinian students, spending days and evening chatting together, and on one of the evenings spent overtime with their families. On some morning, they visited their school, get presented about it, guided tour with the Palestinian students in sub-groups inside it, and played sports together. On another day, they went planting olive tree together on a threatened field in Beit Jala, part of the JAI' Olive Tree Campaign.
Their program also included guided tours to witness the wall-settlements and land confiscation in the Bethlehem area, closures and settlements inside Hebron old city, inside a refugee camp to witness life of refugees. This is beside guided tours in Jerusalem old city, Church of Nativity and Bethlehem old city and market, Jericho old city and mount of Temptation with a visit to the monetary, as well as the YMCA and YWCA centers and kindergarten in Jericho.Their received professional presentations about the YMCA, YWCA and JAI programs and campaigns, the situation in Hebron by the TIPH, Kairos Palestine, as well as the BDS campaign interactive with Palestinian students.
DE involvement and partnership with the JAI followed the Danish Nørre Nissum Efterskole ongoing partnership with the JAI since 5 years, with students' exchange and program in Palestine, through DanChurch Aid.