Youth Just Peace

This program works for the information, education and mobilization of Palestinian youth and works with them for launching different campaigns and initiatives, using different tools, and executing different activities to raise awareness and become advocates for Just Peace.

JAI trained 17 girls and 3 boys from Tubas area in advocacy and BDS

Category: Youth Just Peace
Created: 01 February 2021

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Another youth training was conducted by the JAI on Monday the 1st of February 2021, under the YWCA of Palestine' "Young Citizen" project, for a group of 20 teenagers (17 girls and 3 boys) in the ages between 12 and 16, from the Tubas area, north of the West Bank, through and at the Brotherhood Club.

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Advocacy mechanisms, launching campaigns and boycotting Israeli products themes the trainees were taught about, in the forms of exercises, games, sub-groups work and discussions.

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