Between the 11th and 15th of July 2013, the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF) – Middle East region – organized a training conference for 25 youth of its member the JAI-supervised Palestinian Youth Ecumenical Movement. The training took place in Amman, Jordan, and entitles "Youth and the Challenges of Christian Testimony in the Holy Land", with trainers from Lebanon, Egypt and Jordan.
The training included introduction to the WSCF, its history, members, global and Middle Eastern activities, ecumenism and ecumenical action, as well as the ecumenical creed, relations and unity among Churches. It also included reading and mediations from the Bible.
The conference was concluded by setting future activities of the movement, including workshops, promoting the concept of ecumenism among youth, Churches and schools, as well as bible studies and getting to know each other Churches' liturgies.