Campaign female beneficiary farmer - Aisha Ea'mar - Yatta - Hebron

Category: Campaign Farmers' Stories Created: 02 August 2024

Aisha FarmerAisha is a 67 years old farmer, with 8 family members and owns 10 dunums (2.5 acres) of land in Al-Refaa'iyya within Yatta town, Hebron district.

Aisha is a housewife who takes care of her family as well as her land. The Israeli colony (settlement) of 'Carmael' was constructed 3 km close to her land, while the settlers' bypass road is 0.5 km close to it. She says: "As a Palestinian woman, I place great importance of attending the land and cultivating olive trees, as it helps to preserve our cultural heritage and promote economic sustainability for my family. Thanks to the Olive Tree Campaign, which I received 200 olive trees from, that I am grateful for. The act of planting these trees holds significant meaning for me, as it strengthens our connection to the land and enables us to remain steadfast in the face of ongoing struggle with Israeli settlers. Ultimately, it serves as a means to safeguard our land and prevent further encroachment upon it".