Dear friends, partners, and peace with justice activists,
In light of the escalating attacks of Israeli settlers and soldiers on Palestinian farmers, land and olive trees, as well as the coming Israeli elections which will clearly result in a very right wing and more aggressive government leading to increased apartheid and occupation measures against Palestinians;
We, the Joint Advocacy Initiative (JAI) of the East Jerusalem YMCA and YWCA of Palestine, call on our friends, partners, and peace with justice activists around the world to make a strong stand this year in solidarity with the Palestinian people and their just cause for freedom by expressing your call for real practical change and continued pressure on Israel to end the occupation.
On Thursday the 29th of November, the UN assigned International Solidarity Day with the Palestinian People, we call you to organize actions and activities of solidarity individually and/or with your Church congregation/group, YMCA/YWCA movement, solidarity group, university or school students…etc. You can also join actions and activities organized by Palestinian solidarity groups in your country or area.
Actions Suggested:
Below is a sample letter.
PLEASE report to us (shortly), on any action you take or join in this regard, and responses you may receive. It is very IMPORTANT for us to keep records of such.
Sample letter:
Minister of Foreign Affairs
We receive official reports and trustful information from our partners and friends in the occupied Palestinian territories of ongoing Israeli settlers and soldiers’ attacks on Palestinian land, farmers, trees, and homes, as well as ongoing occupation practices including daily arrestments of Palestinians, land confiscation, and movement restrictions.
On the UN International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, we/I express our deep concern and call upon you, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and government to show support of the right of self-determination of the Palestinian people, and put pressure on Israel to respect human rights and UN resolutions, stop its unjust practices and violations of international law, and end its occupation to the Palestinian territories.
We/I highly appreciate your practical response and measures taken.