Campaign Sponsors' Reflections

International sponsor reflection - Alison Millie - UK

Category: Campaign Sponsors' Reflections
Created: 06 October 2021

Alison MilieMy first encounter with the Holy Land was in 2011, as a pilgrim. While I was away, I heard from an NGO how volunteers were needed to help bring in the olive harvest. By 2014, I was ready to return and during my planning I discovered the JAI Olive Tree Campaign. Taking part in the olive harvest program was an unforgettable experience; educational, entertaining, enchanting and friends made for life. I fell in love with the land, the culture, the people – and the olive tree, for its beauty and all that it represents.

I wanted to do more so I decided to run a project to encourage sponsorship of 60 olive tree saplings to mark my 60th birthday in 2021. God willing, I will be planting them in February 2022 during the Olive Planting Program. In doing this act, we can show solidarity with the Palestinian farmers and their families and Keep Hope Alive.


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