See more photos of their program with the JAI
Based on ongoing partnership between the JAI and YMCA-YWCA Rønningen Folkehøgskole in Norway since 5 years, 13 Global Teenagers students from the Norwegian school had a 10-day program in Palestine with the JAI, from the 2nd to the 12th of February 2014. The program aimed at witnessing and experiencing life under occupation, through various guided visits and tours, presentations and interactions with Palestinian students and youth.
The program included guided visits to witness the Israeli wall, settlements and checkpoints within the Bethlehem area, presentation on the ongoing displacement of Palestinian refugees and the right of return; meeting refugees' youth and touring inside a refugee camp; visiting main religious and historic sites, old cities and markets; visiting some YMCA and YWCA programs and centers in Beit
Sahour and Jericho; guided tour with the EAPPI at and through the Bethlehem-Jerusalem checkpoint; guided tour in Hebron where they witnessed settlements, closures and checkpoints inside the old city; presentation on the Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions (BDS) campaign and visit the Bili'n village in Ramallah where they met and toured with the head of the popular resistance committee. They did olive trees planting for three half days in threatened fields in the Bethlehem area, part of the JAI' Olive Tree Campaign.
Two Palestinian students, together with a JAI staff, visited the Rønningen Efterckole a week prior to their trip to Palestine. Those two students and others had daily interaction with the Norwegian students, where they visited one of their schools for half a day, got to see their daily school life, school facilities, and played sports together at the school. They both went planting olive trees together in one of their planting days, on another evening the Norwegian students spend overnight with the Palestinian students' families, and on the last days, the Palestinian students did Dabka Palestinian folklore performance for the Norwegians.