Stop the Massacre! Freedom and Justice for the Palestinian People!

Category: Calls & Statements Created: 16 May 2018

wscfAn Appeal from World Student Christian Federation and the Palestine Youth Ecumenical Movement

Since March 30th, the people of Gaza have been exercising their right to protest by marching for the right to return to their homes. The homes from which they were forcefully expelled to make room for the state of Israel. These land grabs were used to create Israeli settlements as a result of population transfers which under article 7 of the Rome statute constitutes as 'crimes against humanity', resulting in an ethnic cleanse of Palestinians from the land. In 1948 the UN passed resolution 194 agreeing that refugees should have the right to return to their villages, a resolution which Israel continues to ignore.

Since the beginning of the Great Return March, Israeli forces have killed at least 111 Palestinians and wounded about 12,000 people. The worst of these days took place the same day that the US Embassy was moved from Tel Aviv, the recognized capital of Israel, to Jerusalem, as the US recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. On this day, Monday 14th of May, 62 Palestinians were killed with around 2,700 injured.

The US announced their complete support and alliance to Israel and spoke of the importance of human rights to both the US and Israel. They spoke about this as less than 80 kilometers away, 62 unarmed civilians were being killed. These events took place the day before Nakba Day. Nakba is the Arabic word for catastrophe and this day marks the 70th anniversary of the expulsion of over 750,000 Palestinians from their homes. Israel celebrates this as their Independence Day.

Palestine Youth Ecumenical Movement (PYEM)
Georgine Kengne Djuetane (sgd)
Chairperson, World Student Christian Federation (WSCF)

16 May 2018