Youth Just Peace

This program works for the information, education and mobilization of Palestinian youth and works with them for launching different campaigns and initiatives, using different tools, and executing different activities to raise awareness and become advocates for Just Peace.

JAI trained 22 girls from the Ramallah area in advocacy and BDS

Category: Youth Just Peace
Created: 25 January 2021

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Training 25Jan2021 5On Monday the 25th of January 2021, the JAI, in cooperation with the YWCA of Palestine, carried out a-day training at Nafas for Empowerment organization.

The training was for 22 female students from Silwad, Betunia and Ramoun towns in the Ramallah area.

Training 25Jan2021 6The training was in the forms of introductions, sub-groups discussions and work, role-playing, and included the topics of advocacy and how to organize and manage campaigns, Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions (BDS) Campaign as an international mechanism to put pressure on Israel.

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